We offer two different levels of Membership (Basic and Preferred) based on your anticipated need for assistance.

The “Basic Membership” has a lower limit on the number of issues addressed and the amount of related activities performed per membership year.

Call our Lifestyle Advocates at (866)960-9261 Today

They can help you choose which level would be best suited for you based on the information gathered during your “Free Consultation Session”.
Fees are based on your ability to pay and start as little as $4.99 per month. MSNH also strives to turn no one away due to an inability to pay a program or membership fee. Our goal is to serve as many people in the community as possible that can benefit from our services
Member Services typically involve “Third-Party Representation” and usually require “Total-Case Management” including:
    • Facilitation of All Communications
    • Document Preparation & Submission
    • Personal Follow-Up & Follow-Through
    • Negotiating Resolutions & Settlements
    • Free Educational Workshops
    • Our Quarterly Newspaper



Our Areas of Expertise


Health – Covered California, Medi-Cal, Medicaid, QMB, Medi-Cal Share-of-Cost Options, IHSS, Extra RX Coverage
Housing – Section 8 / Public & Mod Rehab Housing Programs, DFEH-ADA Title II / 504 Reasonable Accommodation, Landlord / Tenant Disputes
Veterans – Original Claim Submission, New Disability Claim Submission, Dependent Disability Claim Submission, Appeals, Small Business Verification, Seeking to Increase your Service Connection Rating
Education – Individualized Educational Plans (IEP), Special Education Services and Regional Center Services
Finances – Social Security SSI / SSDI Overpayments, CAP LIHEAP & Share Utility Pledges, Utility CARE and Medical Baseline Programs, Advance Health Care Directives, and more …